WriteLog Remote Control includes the ability to connect an Elecraft K3 in terminal mode from WriteLog’s control site to its remote site. Continue reading “Remote Control K3 exercise”
Author: w5xd
Remote Control exercise
WriteLog Remote Control adds a whole new set of useful features to WriteLog. A good way to gain an understanding of what it does is to try this exercise. You only need your WriteLog PC in your shack to try this out and see how it works. Continue reading “Remote Control exercise”
Announcing WriteLog Remote Control
It takes some work to get WriteLog configured to properly control your station. You’re about to get a lot bigger bang for your WriteLog buck for having invested that configuration. Continue reading “Announcing WriteLog Remote Control”
Remote Band Map SDR
When WriteLog control site connects to a remote WriteLog that has SDRs, SDR displays on the Band Maps at the remote temporarily cease, and the SDRs are displayed on the control site Band Maps only. Continue reading “Remote Band Map SDR”
Remote control setup. A cloud alternative.
Instead of having the WriteLog Control Site connect directly to your remote site IP address, you can use a cloud node and a port tunnel. This technique, however, limits the WriteLog audio remoting to TCP only (because UDP packets are not easily routed using SSH tunnels.)
Continue reading “Remote control setup. A cloud alternative.”
Remote control setup step 7. RttyRite
Running RTTY with Writelog and RttyRite remotely deploys the modem where it belongs: where the radio is. And it runs as many clones and on as many radios as you have.
Continue reading “Remote control setup step 7. RttyRite”
Remote control setup step 6. other
Here are some odds and ends regarding remote control Continue reading “Remote control setup step 6. other”
Remote control setup step 5. Audio
Remote control setup step 4. rotators
WriteLog Remote control adds a configuration option for rotators.
Continue reading “Remote control setup step 4. rotators”
Remote control setup step 3. Rig control
Remote Site Setup Ports
WriteLog remote control of rigs has several options to understand. Its setup begins back at the remote site.
Continue reading “Remote control setup step 3. Rig control”